BTHS District 201

Health & Safety

The Health Office

Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

The Health Office is supervised by certified school nurses and is open to students and staff. The office provides general health care services, including emergency first aid, health assessment, health counseling, vision and hearing screenings, health records management, blood pressure monitoring, physical education excuses, and medical accommodations. The Health Office also monitors any infectious diseases in the school and reports to the County Health Department.

The Health Office provides many services as a supplement to care given by parents and the medical community. It is not a clinic and should not be used as a substitute for medical services normally provided by family physicians.

Health Office Rules

Students who are ill must go see the school nurse before being excused to go home.

As a general rule, students may not rest in the Health Office for an entire class period. A brief rest will be allowed if it will help the student remain in school. Students should not visit the Health Office during tests, quizzes, or presentations. Students must have cell phones put away while visiting the Health Office.

All students must have a timed pass from their current teacher to visit the Health Office. Students should not come during the passing period without checking in with their current teacher. The only exception to this rule is an emergency or obvious illness.

Health Needs


If a student requires non-prescription medication, including Tylenol or ibuprofen, during the school day, a Non-Prescription Medication Self-Administration Form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. If the student requires prescription medication during school hours, an Authorization and Permission for Administration of Prescription Medication Form must be completed by the student’s physician and parent/guardian. In each case, prescription and non-prescription medication should be provided by the parent and stored in the Health Office. Students may carry Epi-Pens, Asthma inhalers, or Insulin on their person after consulting with the nurse.

Notification of Medical Issues

Parents should inform the Health Office if their student has any special health needs (i.e., asthma, diabetes, migraines, seizure disorders, severe allergic reactions, social or emotional problems, daily medications, physical or sensory deficits, or any other serious medical issues). It is imperative that the school nurses be informed of any serious medical issues, so that prompt and appropriate care can be given.

General Requirements

Physical Exams and Immunizations

A physical examination is required for entrance into 9th grade and/or when  transferring into the districtThe physical exam must be documented on the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form.  In order for the physical exam to be valid, the health history portion of the form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian.  The EXAM MUST be dated within one year prior to the date the student enters school.

Physical examinations may be acquired through your primary medical provider. If you DO NOT have a primary medical provider, you may contact your school nurse or the St. Clair County Health Department for referrals.

Dental Exams

All children in ninth grade must present proof of having been examined by a licensed dentist before May 15th of the current school year in accordance with rules adopted by the IDPH. If a child in the ninth grade fails to present proof by May 15th, the school may hold the child’s report card until the child presents: (1) proof of a completed dental examination, (2) proof of a completed Dental Examination Waiver form, or (3) proof of a dental appointment that will take place within 60 days after May 15th. TheSuperintendent or designee shall ensure that parent(s)/guardian(s) are notified of this dental examination requirement at least 60 days before May 15th of each school year.


Belleville East Nurses

Dana Ferguson

School Nurse | BSN, RN, CSN, NCSN

Danita Duecker

School Nurse | BSN, RN, CSN

Cathleen Zarczynski

School Nurse | BSN, RN, NCSN, CSN

Catherine Petrowske

Belleville West Nurses

Julie Blankenship

Certified School Nurse | RN, BS, CSN

Anell Radicic

Cierra Giffhorn

Certified School Nurse | RN, BSN, CSN

Rita Mattingly

Certified School Nurse | RN, BSN CSN

Sheila Durlester

School Nurse | RN, BSN, (NP)